Books About Mexico (for Adults)
This list, along with the list of children’s books, is part of the virtual travel series, and also provides a nice slice of culture in terms of how they dig back into Mexican roots while also staying present and thoughtfully addressing (or not) traditions that M has carried on for years.
I must admit that I dug into none of these. I did download the audio version of ‘Like Water for Chocolate,’ but haven’t found the time to listen…. YET!

1. The Lawless Roads by Graham Greene
2. The City of Palaces by Michael Nava
A historical novel placed before and during the Mexican Revolution.
3. The Distance Between US by Reyna Grande
A memoir of the author’s undocumented immigrant journey from childhood to adulthood.

4. Villa and Zapata: A History of the Mexican Revolution by Frank McLynn
5. Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel
An easy and fast read, about Mexican cooking/recipes/enchanted romance… I [she] read this back when I was in college.