New Spice Obsession: Chaat Masala

I feel a new spice obsession is beginning! This time with chaat masala.

To be sure, chaat masala was a staple in our pantry even before I started dating hubby, due to a roommate with a love of the stuff.  But it took on a life of it’s own last year after reading this kitchen window piece featuring okra.  Tasty, healthy and simple, it’s one of my favorite snacks or dinner accompaniment.  I make it every so often, and little piglet has enjoyed it for the past 6 months or so, too – first as a puree, and now in small bites.  Until this last time, we would keep a couple out for her before adding the chaat masala, but this time we let her try some with it and though she wasn’t sure at first, but she ate it.  Still, next time I think I’ll keep some plain for her as well, until she’s sure she loves it as much as us.

At any rate, this last time I got to thinking about how underutilized chaat masala is in our house.  My immediate next thought was putting some on kale chips.  Just tried it and wow!  New favorite.

Basically I did the same thing I’d do for regular or garam masala kale chips, except that I didn’t add the masala until just before it was done cooking.  Also, though I had just roasted some cauliflower at a higher temp, the kale took forever this time.  Next time I’ll remember to wash the kale earlier to make sure it has less moisture on it when it goes in the oven… let’s see if that solves the problem.  Also next time, I won’t add the normal salt when tossing it with oil (and black pepper) because chaat masala tends to have plenty of salt on its own.

Where else have you experimented with chaat masala?


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